Firstly, it makes a research on whether the limitation of actions is applicable in neighboring right or not. 首先对相邻权是否适用诉讼时效进行了研究。
The text describes the civil liabilities systems from many aspects, such as the quality and contents of the civil liabilities and limitation of actions. 本章从责任性质、归责原则、责任具体内容以及诉讼时效等方面对公司发起人的民事责任进行阐述。
If the law has not stipulated a time limitation of arbitration, the provisions on the limitation of actions shall apply. 法律对仲裁时效没有规定的,适用诉讼时效的规定。
Research on limitation of actions about creditor traversing the corporate personality of companies 债权人否认公司法人人格之诉讼时效问题研究
The China's Law of Contract does not provide the limitation of actions concerning in-valid contract, and there are disputes over the question of limitation in theory and practice. 我国《合同法》对无效合同确认是否受诉讼时效限制没有作出相应规定,因此,无效合同诉讼时效问题引起了合同法理论界和实务界的争论。
The article analyzes the right theoretically and practically in terms of the constituent elements, the parties, the scope of restitution interest, the jurisdiction and the limitation of actions. 文章从理论和实务角度对票据利益返还请求权成立的条件、票据利益返还请求权的当事人、利益返还的范围、诉讼管辖以及时效等问题进行了分析梳理。
On Limitation of Actions of A Invalid Contract 无效合同的诉讼时效问题刍议
Limitation of actions; 诉讼时效问题;
A Study of Applicable Laws to Limitation of Actions 诉讼时效法律适用问题研究
Then the following part arranges the legislation and the theory of the right of the real claim and the limitation of actions of the main countries which belong to the system of civil law. 对大陆法系各主要国家民法典中关于物权请求权与诉讼时效关系的立法例及学说进行了必要的梳理,以期为下面的讨论做好必要的准备。
Research of the Application of Limitation of Actions in Administrative Procedure 行政诉讼起诉期限在诉讼程序上应用之研究
The relationship between the consequences of invalid civil behavior and the limitation of actions is a difficult problem that is often met in judicial practice. 在司法实务中,民事行为无效后果的处置与诉讼时效之间的关系是经常遇到的难题。
On the Factors that Affect the Scope of Application of the Limitation of Actions 论影响诉讼时效适用范围的因素
The second part analyses and discusses the limitation of actions suitable for the consequences of invalid civil behavior. 分析和探讨了民事行为无效后果适用诉讼时效问题。
Brief Discussion about the Perfection of Chinese System of Civil Limitation of Actions 略论我国民事时效制度的完善论我国民事时效立法体系
Whether the limitation of actions can apply to the right of the real claim is a controversial problem in our country. 物权请求权作为一项对物权进行救济的请求权是否要受诉讼时效的调整,在我国学界一直是一个争论不休的问题。
Insurance subrogation right has a lot of problems in the exercise, such as elements, limitation of actions, rights of the scope, application objects. 保险代位追偿权在行使方面存在很多问题,如构成要件、诉讼时效、权利范围、适用对象等。
Therefore, whether agrees with the function of the limitation of actions to be supposed to become determines it the applicable scope the most important standard. 因此,是否契合诉讼时效的功能应成为确定其适用范围的首要标准。
The second kind of function may be called it "the protection function", according to it, if a right holder is unable to start a lawsuit sneak attack, then we does not need to cause the limitation of actions to be suitable this kind of right. 第二种功能:保护义务人的功能,可以简称其为保护功能,根据保护功能,如果请求人无法发动对被请求人的诉讼偷袭时,则不必使诉讼时效适用该种权利。
This article all together is divided into three chapters: Section one is "the influences of the function of limitation of actions to its applicable scope". 本文共分三章:第一部分诉讼时效功能对其适用范围的影响。
The limitation of actions is a legal system refers to that if a right holder to be negligent in the certain period in exercising the right, then causes one kind of legal effect which the right is eliminated or decreased. 消灭时效是指权利人于一定期间内怠于行使权利,便使其权利消灭或减损的一种法律制度。
The limitation of actions applicable scope is an important question in the limitation of action domain. 消灭时效的适用范围是诉讼时效领域内一个重要的问题。
Firstly, this chapter states the relevant regulations on limitation of actions and litigation system of civil case of misrepresentation in securities market in China, and then confirms the limitation of actions and litigation system of this case in accordance with these regulations. 本章首先阐述我国法对于证券市场虚假陈述民事赔偿案件的诉讼时效和诉讼模式的相关规定,然后依据这些规定来认定本案的诉讼时效和诉讼模式。
The Limitation of Actions for Administrative Litigation System is the system that the party sues the court of justice to protect his rights when the Administrative infringed upon his lawful rights. 行政诉讼起诉期限制度是当事人在行政主体侵犯其合法权益后,在一定期限内请求法院保护其合法权益的制度。
Limitation of actions is an important system in the civil law of continental law system. It was designed ingeniously in many countries 'civil law codes. 诉讼时效制度是大陆法系民法中的一项重要制度,各国均在民法典中作出了精巧的设计。
The limitation of actions, the computations of the beginning of limitation and the burden of proof are mainly discussed in this part. The last section talks about the damages for copyright infringement concerning the internet. 主要探讨著作权损害赔偿案件的诉讼时效、诉讼时效起算点的计算、举证责任等问题。第五部分论述有关网上作品著作权的侵权问题。
Limitation of actions is an important system of the traditional civil law system, directly related to whether civil rights can be protected by law. 诉讼时效制度是传统民法中的一项重要制度,直接关系到民事权利能否得到法律保护。
Though it has been made some rules for the Limitation of Actions in Administrative Litigation system, there are still some shortcomings in the process of legislation and practice. 尽管我国对行政诉讼起诉期限制度做了一些规定,但立法上和实践中仍有需要完善之处。
Through elaborating the value and theoretical basis of the Limitation of Actions, to explain the Positive meaning of improve the limitation of action system. 通过对行政诉讼起诉期限制度价值和理论基础的阐述,进一步说明了完善起诉期限制度的积极意义。
Due to the limitation of action is certain limitation of actions in the judicial practice cases a focus of controversy is more concentrated in the starting of the limitation of actions. 由于诉讼时效期间是一定的,在司法实践中诉讼时效案件的争议焦点多集中于诉讼时效的起算。